Kamis 11 Sep 2014 19:08 WIB

Yogyakarta's King visits Dublin to name gamelan instrument

 Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X
Foto: Antara
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Yogyakarta's king, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, visited Dublin in Ireland, to name a set of gamelan, the traditional Javanese music instrument, at a ceremony called "Paring Dalem Asma Kyai Jatiroso" on September 7, 2014.

Sri Sultan named a set of gamelan which was donated by the Yogyakarta Provincial Government to the National Concert Hall (NCH) on 2013, according to an official statement from the Indonesian Embassy in London. He hoped it would be an instrument to strengthen the understanding between civilizations, Sultan said,

"Considering these points, I am naming this Kraton Yogyakarta's Gamelan, 'Jatiroso'," he said while handing over the "Jatiroso" name plate to Simon Tayler, CEO of NCH.

The event was the highlight of a series of events titled "Gamelan Open Day and Concert" held by the Indonesian Embassy in collaboration with NCH, and the Yogyakarta Provincial Government at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, from September 5 to 7.

The naming ceremony and the concert got a lot of attention and were appreciated by Irish citizens. That could be seen from the enthusiastic response of hundreds of residents in the main auditorium in Dublin, which could accommodate 700 people.

A performance by a group comprising 22 musicians and singers, and five dancers from Yogyakarta's Gamelan Krida Mardawa mesmerized the audience during a show later at night.

The naming ceremony and concerts of the Kraton Yogyakarta's gamelan is the culmination of a series of activities to commemorate 30 years of diplomatic ties between Indonesia and Ireland, which fell on September 4, 2014.

sumber : Antara
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