Jumat 03 Oct 2014 01:24 WIB

DPR and DPD completes election of leadership


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) have completed the election of their leadership in a plenary session through a vote.

Irman Gusman was re-elected as Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) for the the 2014-2019 period.

The inauguration of the new chairman was held on Thursday at the House of Representatives building in Central Jakarta. Chairman of the Supreme Court Agung Hatta Ali led the inauguration ceremony.

During the election process, Irman Gusman gained 66 votes, while Farouk Muhammad gained 53 votes, and three voters abstained.

Irman was elected after two rounds of elections defeating Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas who obtained 32 votes in the first round.

A number of DPD members congratulated Irman Gusman and held prayers upon his election.

Irman Gusman was a member of the Regional Representative Council's (DPD) from West Sumatra. He gained 407.443 votes in the 2014 legislative elections.

Meanwhile, Golkar party's politician Setya Novanto had been elected as chairman of the House of Representatives for the 2014-2019 period.

The inauguration of the new chairman was held on Thursday morning at the House of Representatives building in Central Jakarta. Chairman of the Supreme Court Agung Hatta Ali led the inauguration ceremony.

"The job of the chairman of the parliament is tough but very noble. I promise to work hard. I also call on the people to help us by giving constructive criticism that will motivate us to work hard," Setya remarked.

Earlier, during the election process on Thursday morning, Setya Novanto received the support of the Red-White Coalition (KMP) in the parliament comprising parties such as the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra), Golkar, Democrat, National Mandate Party (PAN), Prosperous and Justice Party (PKS), and the United Development Party (PPP).

In the meantime, the members of another coalition comprising the Indonesian Democracy Party of Struggle (PDIP), National Awakening Party (PKB), People's Conscience Party (Hanura), and the National Democrat staged a walkout during the election to protest against the leader of the Thursday's election Popong Otje Djunjunan, a Golkar party politician whom they believed was not democratic.

As the PDIP, PKB, Hanura, and the National Democrat, which support President-elect Joko Widodo, staged a walkout during the election of the chairman of the House of Representatives, Popong inaugurated the only candidate Setya Novanto for the post of chairman of the House of Representatives for the 2014-2019 term.

House Leadership Election Undemocratic

The Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) expressed its disappointment over the election of the leadership of the House of Representatives (DPR) and said it ran against democratic principles.

"The rules of the election were very problematic. We must not think this is only about who all are in the DPR leadership," PDIP senior politician Rieke Diah Pitaloka said early on Thursday morning.

She added that her side should have been given a chance to express its views during the plenary session.

"We are not people who have been in politics only for one or two days. We are indeed young, but we know that the plenary session is the highest decision-making forum.

Lobbying is allowed, but decision should be made at the plenum. Please note, every member has the right to speak. This is constitution," she stated.

She observed that during the plenary session microphones at the desks stopped functioning.

"How could we speak when the microphones were off? I met the DPR secretary general during a short break, and she too said the microphones were not working. Imagine this happened during the election of the DPR leadership," she stated.

However, she said she believed that the general public was mature and smart enough to judge what kind of DPR leadership Indonesia deserved.

"We elected the leaders of the people's representatives. So, I will ask the public to judge what kind of leaders have been elected in this manner," she said.

On Thursday morning, the political parties in the Red-White coalition elected Setya Novanto from the Golkar Party as the Speaker. The four deputy speakers elected were Fadli Zon from Gerindra, Agus Hermanto from the Democrat Party, Taufik Kurniawan from the National Mandate Party and Fahri Hamzah from the Prosperious Justice Party.

The PDIP grouped in the Great Indonesia coalition with the National Awakening Party, while the People's Conscience Party and the National Democrat Party members walked out of the session in protest against the session led by Popong Otje Djundjunan from the Golkar Party, which they considered undemocratic.

In their absence, there was only one group of candidates to choose from, the Red-While coalition.

The Red-White coalition members had supported Prabowo Subianto in the presidential election on July 9, which was won by Joko Widodo with support from parties in the Great Indonesia coalition.

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