Selasa 28 Oct 2014 20:47 WIB

Social affairs ministry to strengthen cross-sector coordination

Khofifah Indar Parawansa
Foto: antara
Khofifah Indar Parawansa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Social Affairs Ministry will strengthen cross-sector coordination, especially that between different ministries and institutions, Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said.

"(Cross-sector coordination is required) because many social problems related to the ministries or institutions arise," she stated after the social affairs minister of the 2009-2014 term, Salim Al Jeffri, handed over the post to Parawansa here on Tuesday (28/10).

According to the newly-installed minister, the Social Affairs Ministry had several important tasks, including streamlining the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation that deals with the treatment of victims of drugs, and child protection, among others.

"Correlating with the affairs of other ministries is vital as there are many cases that merit such attention. For example, in cases related to female migrant workers and children, the Social Affairs Ministry needs to work with the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Ministry," Parawansa explained.

Therefore, cross-agency integration is required and endorsed by the Social Affairs Ministry, she affirmed.

Parawansa further added that all their tasks need to be synchronized with the workings of the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Ministry.

"In accordance with the president's emphasis on getting to work immediately, we will directly contact the Coordinating Minister (of Human Development and Culture) tomorrow," Parawansa noted.

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