Jumat 05 Dec 2014 23:22 WIB

Former Finance Minister warns 'selling' infrastructure weakens country

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Fuad Bawazier
Foto: Nunu/Republika
Fuad Bawazier

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former finance minister Fuad Bawazier has reminded President Joko Widodo that "selling" large amounts of infrastructure projects to foreigners would weaken the country.

"'Selling' infrastructure projects to foreigners could mean losing the country's resources. We would no longer be competitive," Fuad Bawazier said here on Friday (5/12).

He emphasized that submission of large numbers of infrastructure construction projects to foreigners could alter the ideology that directs the Jokowi-JK government.

Formerly, at a number of international forums, President Jokowi invited leaders of countries to participate in the development of Indonesia;s infrastructure.

One of the countries invited by Jokowi to finance infrastructure projects is China.

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