Selasa 23 Jun 2015 16:59 WIB

Minister Tjahjo admits the budgets of Pilkada's surveillance are unfinished

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Menteri Koordinator bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan serta Mendagri Tjahjo Kumolo.
Foto: Antara
Menteri Koordinator bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan serta Mendagri Tjahjo Kumolo.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The hearing (RDP) of Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR) with the Home Affairs Ministry related to preparation for simultaneous local elections 2015, still left issues on budget.

The constraints were occured particularly in surveillance. Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said, there were 50 regions that have not completed the budget for surveillance.

"For 50 regions, in the process of signing NPHD (the script of the regions grant agreement), I think by June 22 the increase will be updated again," said Tjahjo in the RDP in Commission II of the Parliament complex, Senayan, on Tuesday, June 23.

According to him, the unfinished surveillance budget was just because of a technical problem, which was related to the Supervisory Committee secretariat at the regencies / cities. Therefore, Home Affairs Ministry has to encourage Supervisory Committee and Local Government.

Tjahjo said that it was not out of Home Affairs Ministry's focus for preparation the upcoming simultaneous local elections.

"Budget related to security is concentrated to the center, but the regions are also remain budgeted, it is available in the local budget (APBD)," said the former member of the House of Representatives (DPR).

Meanwhile, Commission II members of the House of Representatives, EE Mangindaan appreciated the efforts of Home Affairs Ministry in supervising the budgets of local elections in 269 regions. Although he said it was still leave some regions which were unfinished.

"It remains a little bit for the Supervisory Committee's budget, so it could be encouraged to finish it soon,"he said.


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