Kamis 25 Jun 2015 09:47 WIB

On aspiration funds, Andrinof says will still be further discussed

Andrinof Chaniago
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Andrinof Chaniago

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister for national development planning Andrinof Chaniago said here on Wednesday that aspiration funds program runs counter to and clashes with President Joko Widodo's vision and mission.

The House of Representatives(DPR) has proposed constituency development funds program, popularly called the aspiration funds, reaching Rp11.2 trillion.

Each of the 560 members of the House will receive Rp20 billion as aspiration funds and will be channeled to the regional governments for use in projects based on the development agenda of the constituencies.

In a plenary meeting on Tuesday the DPR approved the draft regulation on the mechanism for proposing the aspiration funds program.

Minister Andrinof said after attending a limited cabinet meeting with the President at the latter's office that the President did not agree with the fund.

"What is clear is that based on the law, development programs that are planned are taken from the President's mission and vision and so if the concept of aspiration fund may run counter to the President's mission and vision," he said.

He said he hoped the House of Representatives could understand it and be consistent with the system that has already been built.

Ideally, he said, the DPR must return to the system and carry out its functions, namely supervisory, budgeting and legislation functions.

"What is carried out by the government is in line with the vision and mission of the President and other laws including RPJMN (the national medium-term development plan).

Andrinof said the use of the aspiration funds will vulnerable to irregularities and its effect could be big moreover if its amount really reaches Rp20 billion per parliament member which totally could reach Rp11 trillion.

"The issue will still be further discussed," he said.


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