Ahad 28 Jun 2015 18:49 WIB

Revision of KPK's Law not important

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: i-net

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Member of Selection Committee Team (Pansel) of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Ganarsih Yenti assessed the revision of KPK's Law has not required at this time. She requested that the Parliament did not impose to revise Law Number 30 of 2002.

"I do not agree (KPK Law revision), I do not think it is important to revise KPK's Law," she said when contacted by ROL on Saturday, June 27.

According to her, KPK's Law was now good enough and did not need to be tampered. Moreover, she said, some of the articles that will be revised on discourse was related to the vital powers of the anti-corruption agency.

It was said by Yenti, wiretapping authority and prosecution should not be omitted. KPK also could not get the authority to issue a warrant termination of investigation (SP3).

"What's the reason to do all of that?" says money laundering expert from Trisakti University in Jakarta.

According to her, the birth of KPK was due to the performance of the Police and the Attorney General were less than the maximum. Thus, said Yenti, the authority was all given to KPK so that KPK was able to eradicate the massive corruption.

"Corruption in Indonesia is still insanely, if the authority was eliminated, how?" She said.

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