Jumat 31 Jul 2015 02:55 WIB

Directorate general of Ministry Trade investigated on dwelling time bribery case

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Corruption Sub-directorate Head of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Adji Indra said the police were examining the Foreign Trade Director General of Trade Ministry, Partogi Pangaribuan, on Thursday, July 30.

“It’s on the examination process. We’re also being held the case," said Adji when contacted by ROL on Thursday, July 30.

Adji said the summons of Partogi to explain the discovery of money amounting to 42 thousand US dollars (Rp 565.5 million) and 4 thousand Singapore dollars (about Rp 39.4 million). The money was found when a joint team of Polda Metro Jaya conducted search on 9th floor of Trade Ministry Office, on Tuesday, July 28.

Previously, of the investigation results during a month related to alleged bribery case of loading and unloading of containers, Police have named three suspects. All three proved to have been involved in the alleged bribery case of containers unloading. The third suspect was Head of Sub-Directorate of the Trade Ministry with initials ‘I’, freelance employee with initials MU and intermediaries with initials N.

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