Kamis 01 Oct 2015 14:16 WIB

Figures denounce three poisons targeting younger generation

Emil Salim
Foto: thejakartaglobe.com
Emil Salim

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A number of noted figures have denounced the widespread circulation of three toxic substances -- cigarettes, drugs and alcoholic drinks -- which have been poisoning Indonesia's younger generations.

Among those who criticized the penetration of such toxic substances were Prof Dr. Emil Salim (former Environment Minister), Syafi'i Ma'arif (former chairman of Muhammadiyah major Muslim organization), Taufik Ismail (humanist), Komaruddin Hidayat (Rector of Jakarta State Islamic University), Saparinah Sadli, Tuti Herati Nuradi and Imam Prasodjo.

The senior figures conveyed their criticism at an event, "Appeal of National Figures," that took place in a historical building "Gedung Joeang 45" here on Wednesday.

One of the figures, Emil Salim, said the event is aimed at motivating government and other components of the nation to play a role in shaping the human resources to be intelligent, healthy and resilient in the face of global competition.

Before formulating their criticism, they discussed certain initial steps to decide ways to wage against these three main poisons.

Results of discussion will be submitted to a number of stakeholders, such as the representatives of the government and the parliament, so that the meeting can produce some concrete results.

Meanwhile, poet Taufik Ismail said cigarette is a toxin for the younger generation.

Smoking is a very worrying habit but it has become entrenched, Ismail said, noting that cigarettes have claimed the lives of many generations.

In addition, Syafi'i Ma'arif said all elements of the nation, especially the government, must curb smoking.

According to Ma'arif, the government should make a breakthrough in the fight against smoking.

On the other hand, the government should intervene and provide solutions to take care of tobacco farmers who will be affected by any fall in cigarette production, Ma'arif added.

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