Selasa 27 Oct 2015 11:46 WIB

Power plant with 1,000 MW capacity to be built in Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Bappenas

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A power plant, as part of 35,000 megawatts (mw) program, was ready to be built in Indonesia. A steam power plant in Cirebon with capacity of 1x1.000 mw ready to start its construction.

Certainty of construction of the power plant was obtained after a signing of power purchase agreement between PT PLN (Persero) with the contractor, namely Konsorsium Marubeni Corporation, Indika Energy Tbk, Samtan Co. Ltd, Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd. and Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.

The signing of the contract was conducted by President Director of PLN, Sofyan Basir, with President Directur of Cirebon Energy Prasarana, Heru Dewanto, who was representing the consortium, at Head Office of PLN, Jakarta, Friday (23/10).

"We're all going to try as much as possible. We will learn from the successes and challenges of recent construction. I thank you and please support and assistance from PLN. So that we finally can supply electric power that has been awaited by Indonesian people," Heru said.

Heru explained, Cirebon Steam Power Plant Expansion with capacity of 1 × 1,000 MW would be built in Kanci Village, Cirebon Regency, West Java, with estimated time of 51 months.

This power plant was targeted to be in commercial operation in the first half of 2020. However, because the land had been acquired by good cooperation with Ministry of Environment and Forestry, then it indicated the construction can be faster.

Sofyan added, construction of this new unit has investment value of Rp 26 trillion by using ultra super critical boiler technology. It claimed to be more environmentally friendly and fuel efficient.

In one year, Cirebon power plant expansion was expected to generate electrical energy of 6.9 Tera Watt hour (TWh). The electricity generated would be channeled through the substation of 500 kilo Volt Mandirancan.

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