Selasa 10 Nov 2015 16:33 WIB

Title of national hero for Gus Dur and Soeharto still assessed

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Dok Hidayatullah
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government would not yet give title of national hero to two former President of Indonesia, Soeharto and Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the proposed title of national hero for Gus Dur and Soeharto had been delivered.

Nevertheless, the process of awarding the title of national hero was still carried out by a National Hero Title Council, which will then be decided by the President.

"For Gus Dur and Suharto , the team will submit the assessment to the president who will decide it," said Kalla, in Vice President office, Jakarta, Monday (9/11).

The title of national hero, Kalla explained, was given by considering a number of criteria. He said, every figure has its own criteria.

Earlier, Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said conferment of the title of national hero for Gus Dur could not be done this year.

"Gus Dur is waiting for the conferment, we just wait for the right moment," Khofifah explained.

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