Kamis 12 Nov 2015 15:20 WIB

Indonesia commemorates National Father's Day at 12 November

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: antarafoto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- For Indonesian people, National Father's Day may be unfamiliar than Mother's Day, that is always celebrated every 22nd December. However, now 12th November has been designated as National Father's Day. So how about the history of Father's Day?

Quoted from Wikipedia, Father's Day was created to honor the role of father. In the United States and more than 75 other countries, such as Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, and Hong Kong, Father's Day is always celebrated on Sunday in third week in June.

In those countries, celebration of Father's Day had been started since the beginning of the 12th century. Typically, Father's Day is celebrated by giving a gift to father and doing family quality time.

In addition, father is considered as the backbone, backrest, and protective in a household. While, in some European and the Middle East countries, International Men's Day is celebrated every 19th November.

In Indonesia, National Father's Day is celebrated every 12th November. It was once launched in 2006, in Solo, Central Java.

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