Sabtu 14 Nov 2015 06:25 WIB

Two dams to be built for Jakarta flood control

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, said the central government would build two dams in West Java in order to control flooding in Jakarta. Both dams would be built in Sukamahi and Ciawi.

"The construction plan will be in 2016," said Basuki, in Jakarta, Thursday (12/11).

According to Basuki, plan to build a two dams was currently still in discussion about land. He explained, Jakarta as the capital of the country had always been a recurring problem in the rainy season, namely floods.

"The central government is trying to address flooding in Jakarta by controlling it through the construction of dams in the upper areas of Jakarta," he added.

If the dams could be built in the upper areas of Jakarta, then the flow of water during the rainy season could be channeled to the dams. So the water would not all flow to Jakarta.

Regional Secretary of the Government of Jakarta, Saefullah, explained that the government should normalize 13 major rivers in Jakarta and relocate residents who inhabit in the edge of rivers to prevent flooding.

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