Jumat 22 Jan 2016 17:32 WIB

LGBT support group also exist at UIN Jakarta

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Youtube

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A group that support lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender or known as LGBT was not only exist at University of Indonesia (UI). In fact, this campaign already declared at Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta).

A number of social media users, such as Twitter released several evidences related to LGBT support activities in university students circle. One of those evidences was poster that declared support group and resource centre on sexuality studies or SGRC at UIN from account named Liberty Studies.

"Now, not only UI, SGRC also exist at UIN! Come and join the launching event! @SGRCUI @uincommunity," Liberty Studies account wrote on Twitter.

Yesterday, a campaign poster from community SGRC UI that appeared in social media stirs many people. They offered counseling services to LGBT.

Some UI students also shared their experience as LGBT. They are Dimas Mahendra (Faculty of Psychology UI), Luna Siagian (Faculty of  Political Science UI), Tegar Ramadhan (alumnus French Literature UI), and Firmansyah (alumnus Faculty of Management and Economics UI) are students that appeared in the poster. They also wrote how to accept their self, that different from other.

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