Selasa 01 Mar 2016 09:21 WIB

Jokowi urges for local component in infrastructure projects

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo asked to all infrastructure projects in the region collaborate with local contractor. The goal is velocity of the money evenly, not just centered in capital.

"Money has to stay in region, not return to Jakarta," said President on Monday (29/2).

Other than oblige collaborate with local contractor, President also emphasize every infrastructure project use local component. According to President, almost every component can be made in Indonesia. Moreover, the price is not much different than imported foreign-made products.

"Be careful of this issue, I will pursue that often use imported goods," said President.

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