Senin , 10 Dec 2018, 20:50 WIB
Hadimuljono says infrastructure unites Indonesia

Selasa , 16 Oct 2018, 15:24 WIB
Hadimuljono reminds contractors to work safety procedure

Senin , 08 Oct 2018, 17:37 WIB
Budget of IMF-WB Meeting mostly for building infrastructure

Jumat , 03 Aug 2018, 22:00 WIB
No need to shelve infrastructure projects: Luhut

Jumat , 13 Jul 2018, 20:58 WIB
6 inner city toll road projects no longer under Jakarta govt

Rabu , 05 Apr 2017, 00:56 WIB
Govt able to save Rp34 trillion for infrastructure: Minister

Rabu , 22 Mar 2017, 23:00 WIB
Infrastructure project has to be finished as scheduled and budgeted: Finance Minister

Rabu , 22 Mar 2017, 20:46 WIB
Infrastructure development resolves poverty: Minister

Jumat , 21 Oct 2016, 22:19 WIB
Policy in Papua Still on The Track

Jumat , 03 Jun 2016, 21:04 WIB
Indonesia's tourism still lagging

Selasa , 10 May 2016, 21:01 WIB
Bappenas: Oil price fall not to slow infrastructure development

Selasa , 19 Apr 2016, 17:41 WIB
Bappenas receives inputs from BWG on infrastructure development

Jokowi relies on infrastructure for era of competition
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOROTAI -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed the importance of infrastructure development to provide a backbone to gain strong footing in "this era of competition."Indonesia is entering the era of stiff competition,Jokowi said when commissioning a number of infrastructure projects in Maluku and Papua and Papua Barat with a ceremony held in Morotai on Tuesday afternoon.Those who are...

Selasa , 05 Apr 2016, 11:54 WIB
Global changes, President focuses on deregulation and infrastructure

Rabu , 02 Mar 2016, 16:34 WIB
Infrastructure development gives a jolt to economic development

Selasa , 01 Mar 2016, 09:21 WIB
Jokowi urges for local component in infrastructure projects

Ahad , 27 Dec 2015, 08:44 WIB
Indonesian infrastructure competitiveness in 62nd world rank

Selasa , 24 Nov 2015, 16:42 WIB
Provincial govt readies Asian Games infrastructure

Senin , 02 Nov 2015, 13:50 WIB
Indonesia requires US$20 billion to build gas infrastructure

Senin , 19 Oct 2015, 18:54 WIB
President prioritizes food, infrastructure development

Selasa , 22 Sep 2015, 15:35 WIB
Govt committed to improving public health

Kamis , 17 Sep 2015, 11:49 WIB
Sail Tomini to boost economy of Parigi Moutong's inhabitants

Rabu , 16 Sep 2015, 16:34 WIB
Warships conduct Sail Tomini parade rehearsal

Selasa , 15 Sep 2015, 14:16 WIB
Jokowi: Government currently focuses on food issues and infrastructures

Kamis , 03 Sep 2015, 17:03 WIB
Five foreign warships confirm to attend Sail Tomini

Kamis , 03 Sep 2015, 13:48 WIB
More foreign warships to enliven Sail Tomini
NTT focused in infrastructure development in border areas
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has been focused in the past two years on development of infrastructure especially in frontier areas of Timor bordering with East Timor.Land, sea and air transport facilities and irrigation facilities are being built or planned to be built, Governor Frans Lebu Raya said."The infrastructure agenda is wide in coverage including construction and...

Sabtu , 13 Jun 2015, 20:31 WIB
President: Govt expedites infrastructure development in Lampung

Selasa , 09 Jun 2015, 17:32 WIB
VP encourage investment cooperation for building eco-friendly infrastructure

Jumat , 05 Jun 2015, 08:54 WIB
Kadin: Fund for infrastructure still minimum

Selasa , 26 May 2015, 16:25 WIB
Govt hints subsidy on infrastructure credit interest rate

Rabu , 13 May 2015, 15:38 WIB
Kadin pushes financing for development in eastern Indonesia

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 18:57 WIB
Indonesia to concentrate on infrastructural development

Senin , 20 Apr 2015, 19:10 WIB
Jokowi to ensure local businessmen involvement in infrastructure sector

Ahad , 12 Apr 2015, 14:34 WIB
Govt to focus more on infrastructure develoment

Kamis , 09 Apr 2015, 15:59 WIB