Selasa 12 Apr 2016 17:15 WIB

PMI teams up with JRCS to reduce disaster disks in Bengkulu

Foto: Antara/Dhoni Setiawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGKULU -- The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is cooperating with the Japan Red Cross Society (JRCS) to improve community-based disaster risk reduction in three districts in the province of Bengkulu.

"This program is focused on reducing the risks of earthquake and tsunami disasters," PMI Bengkulu spokesman Syukur Alwi stated while launching the PMI-JRCS cooperation program here on Tuesday.

Themed "Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction," the community-based program will be implemented for four years, with nine intervention regions in the districts of Seluma and Kaur as well as in the city of Bengkulu.

Alwi noted that the National Disaster Management Agency had declared Bengkulu Province a natural disaster-prone area in Indonesia.

Bengkulu is not only prone to earthquakes but also tsunamis in case an earthquake measuring more than 6 on the Richter scale occurs.

This is a bitter reality, but people should be aware of the facts, so that they remain alert to anticipate any possibilities.

Experts had forecast that a disaster cycle was likely to begin in the region due to the movement of a tectonic plate in the province.

If the movement of the tectonic plate is significant, it can lead to an earthquake and even a tsunami.

All the district chiefs are expected to anticipate the predicted event by frequently conducting disaster management drills and allocating additional budget funds for disaster management activities.

sumber : Antara
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