Selasa 17 May 2016 15:34 WIB

DBD outbreak spreads in Garut

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Jojon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT – Health department of Garut, West Java, said outbreak of dengue fever (DBD) are no longer in DBD's endemic areas but has already spread to some places in Garut.

"Dengue cases now is no longer are in urban areas, but also in the southern region," said Head of disease eradication, Division of Disease Control, Health department of Garut dr Marlinda Siti Hana told reporters on Monday (16/5).

He said dengue endemic areas in four areas namely Garut Kota, Tarogong Kidul, Tarogong Kaler and Karangpawitan. However, he said, does not mean that other places safe from the threat of an outbreak of the disease.

"Such as Cibalong already several times found (DBD) including Pamengpeuk and Cisompet also happened several times cases of dengue fever," she said.

She added dengue cases during 2016 increasing in the period of January and February are 35-40 the cases, then in March 2016 the number raise to 45 cases.

"The increase in dengue cases this occurred in March to 45 cases," she said.

Related data of cases during April, she said, it is still counting in the field.

According to her, the cause of the increase DBD due to various factors, including dengue diagnose when platelets come down, without any test in laboratory.

"To know the dengue cases required for certain examinations, such as laboratory tests at the hospital," he said.

Although dengue cases in Garut increased, Merlinda urge people to not be anxious, but always aware to implement environmental hygiene.

‘’Aedes aegypti mosquito eradication as the cause of DBD, can be done by applying 3M cleaning, drain, and shut the place who become a nest of mosquitoes,’’ she said.

She also asks to always pay attention to the cleanliness of environment. And if case of dengue fever happen, reported to the clinic for further fogging.

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