Kamis 26 May 2016 18:07 WIB

Parenting knowledge affects child development


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Researcher and writer on parenting Heather Biggar Tomlinson said parenting knowledge by the parents affect the child development.

Parenting program is very important for all aspects of education for children. Children who get good parenting make children have good behavior, polite language, and healthy.

"So, parenting skills very affect child development," Tomlinson said in a discussion in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/5).

He added aspects that affect the development of children is family.

Communities and state have an important role in making the guide that should be done by parents in educating children.

For that, it needs an integrated agency who handles about the parenting skills.

"Parents or other primary caregivers have direct and most powerful influence on the welfare of children in physical, cognitive, psychosocial and emotional," he said.

In order to optimal child development, then every child needs at least one primary caregiver to be trust and closely intimate.

However, parents are not the only one who responsible for the welfare of children. Government and societies also play important role, because the interaction between the children and their families also the larger environment will form the development of the children.

United Nations Convention on the Child Right in 1990 and the presidential regulation of 2013 on early childhood development holistic-integrative determine the framework which calls for the involvement of governments, institutions, and communities.

Director of Family Education, Sukiman, said his agency cooperate with 5.000 education institutions in Indonesia to giving family education.

Family education aimed at improving the welfare of children and families.

"For the next school year, parents will be involved. We will give you device, which will happen good interaction between parents and schools," Sukiman said.

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