Sabtu 03 Sep 2016 17:09 WIB
Robbery at Pondok Indah

Police nab two robbers, set hostages free

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Petugas kepolisian bersenjata mengamankan rumah korban perampokan dan penyanderaan di Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Sabtu (3/9).
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Petugas kepolisian bersenjata mengamankan rumah korban perampokan dan penyanderaan di Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Sabtu (3/9).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The police managed to set hostages free and nab two robber at a house located at Jl Bukit Hijay IX, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. The robbers entered that house around 05.00 am local time. 

The house owned by Asep Sulaeman, ex Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Affiliates in Indonesia. Knowing intruders entered the house, one of the servants was able to got out from house. She climbed the fence then screaming for help. She then reported the incident to police station. 

Police came at around 11.00 am and surrounded the house. After 10 minutes entering the house, gun fire was heard. Soon after that, police seized two robbers. Three hostages was set free at 14.15 pm. They were identified as Asep, his wife, and his child.

Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General Moechgiyarto has visited locations. He revealed the robbers was inisialed AJ and S. “They said they originated from Solo, Central Java, but we still investigate it,” he said at the location, Saturday (9/3).

Moechgiyarto explained there were no shoot-out. Police only fired rubber bullets and the robbers surrened. “They didn't fight back because they knew from TV, police has sieged the house,” National Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Martinus Sitompul said.

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