Jumat 07 Oct 2016 09:16 WIB

'Hard approach is ineffective to prevent terrorism'

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
BNPT Head Suhardi Alius said soft approach was considered more effective in reaching the root of terrorism.
Foto: BNPT
BNPT Head Suhardi Alius said soft approach was considered more effective in reaching the root of terrorism.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) has said hard approach was ineffective in dealing with terrorism. Soft approach was considered more effective in reaching the root of terrorism. "In handling terrorism have not only use the violent or hard approach, but also the soft approach," BNPT head Suhardi Alius said.

Soft approach, he added, was more effective because it could reach the root cause of terrorism. "We touch the terrorists' family, such as children, wife and network. They should not be marginalized," Suhardi said in his speech while receiving the members of the Special Committee (Pansus) of Parliament related to the bill on Criminal Acts of Terrorism to BNPT office, in Bogor regency, on Thursday (10/6).

Suhardi said that radical groups often use the extreme holy war, caliphate, and takfiri doctrine and those are challenges for all. Muslims in Indonesia are expected to unify all components of the nation. "As a multicultural country, our challange is unify the nation. With fewer terrorists, we all should be able to control it by providing the right understanding," he said.

Suhardi affirmed terrorism is a problem of the nation . Therefore, Indonesian has to dealt with it because Indonesian knew the root cause of the problem better. "Terrorism is happening in various places of the world. But to solve terrorist problem in Indonesia, only our people know how to handle it,’’ he said.

He explained, the patterns used by radical groups and terrorists often changed. Nowdays, it has been more sophisticated than ever. "They (terrorists) join the community and even to government agencies," he argued.

The condition has made the BNPT and members of Pansus felt the need to review article in Terrorism Act. BNPT head hoped discussions at this meeting could provide a positive thing for Indonesia. "Through this meeting we hope to solve the problem. Because if we handle it with the repressive measures, it could endanger our country," he added.

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