Senin 13 Feb 2017 10:10 WIB

Ahok is not deactivated, GNPF: There is a strong political overtones

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The defendant of alleged religious blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), has entered the court room at the Auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture, Monday (Feb 13).
Foto: Republika/Pool/Ramdani
The defendant of alleged religious blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), has entered the court room at the Auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture, Monday (Feb 13).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --  The Coordinator of Advocation Team of the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) Nasrulloh Nasution regretted the government decision to reactivate Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as Jakarta governor on Saturday (Feb 11). He said it showed that there was a strong political overtones and the issue was no longer a matter of law. "The law should be the commander, but the fact was opposite to it," he remarked.

According to Nasrulloh, the government should temporarily discharge Ahok as he has been named as defendant of alleged religious blasphemy case. "His status as governor should have been suspended in accordance with the law," he said on Sunday.

Also read: If Ahok is not temporarily suspended, Mahfud MD: Govt violates the law

Meanwhile, political observer Umar Hasibuan said Interior Minister should submit and adhere to the mandate of the Article 83 paragraph (1) of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government. He said Ahok could not be reactivated as Jakarta governor with his current status in the trial. "Ahok has been named as defendant and charged with imprisonment for five years, therefore Ahok should be deactivated," he remarked.

Previously, the Vice Chairman of Indonesian Advocates Association M Luthfie Hakim said law experts in Indonesia has concluded that Ahok should be deactivated temporarily based on the Article 83 paragraph (1) and (2) of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government. "It should be done immediately before non-compliance with the law is being rampant in the society," he said in a statement made available to



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