Kamis 23 Feb 2017 22:02 WIB

Member of the House are divided on right of inquiry on Ahok's status

Rep: Fauziah Mursid, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Plenary session of the House of Representatives. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Plenary session of the House of Representatives. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The House of Representatives have discussed the right of inquiry regarding the government decision on the activation of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as Jakarta's governor. During the Plenary Session on Thursday (Feb 23), Deputy Chairman of the House, Fadli Zon, has read out the letter proposed by the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS). As the initiator of inquiry right on this case, PKS submitted the letter on Feb 13. "The letter would be discussed further as the applied mechanism," said Fadli. 

Members of the House were dividied in responding the proposal. The Deputy Chairman of the National Democratic Party Johnny G Platr, the member of Justice and Prosperity Party Fraction Refrizal, and the member of Gerindra Party Fraction Haerul Saleh shared their opinion.  

Johnny argued that in the recent political condition, Indonesia has many problem. He believed the House would add more problem by using the inquiry right. More over, it will be conducted during the regional election, where the need to keep the condusive political condition was higher.  "So we appealed and encouraged our friends who submit the inquiry right to revoke it and to develop democratic, peaceful and condusive political condition," said Johnny. 

Instead of keep on submitting the inquiry right, Johnny suggested the members to focus on many duties which were needed to be completed.  "Do not waste time. At the end, we are sure that the inquiry could not be met," he said. 

Meanwhile, different opinion was stated by Refrizal. He reminded that the House has the function as supervisors. According to him, that was PKS did by submitting the inquiry.  "We submit the inquiry because we presumed the President has violated the Article No. 83 verse 1-3 of Law No. 23," he said.

Refrizal urged the House to discuss the different opinion related to the proposed right of inquiry on the next plenary session. After all, PKS has met all the requirement needed in proposing the inquiry right.

Refrizal said all the different opinion should be a decision on the next plenary session, because the requirements of the use of inquiry right, especially from the PKS fraction had met the requirements. "For some members who wanted the inquiry right to be discontinued, the solution was easy. Suspend Ahok. By doing that, the inquiry right had lost its soul. I would also be humbly to revoke the inquiry," he said. 

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