Kamis 27 Apr 2017 07:49 WIB

Java Island is still the most favorite place for investment

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong
Foto: Tahta Aidilla/Republika
Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --  The Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong said investment distribution outside the Java area reached Rp 75,3 trillion or 45.4 percents of the total investment. It was a little bit higher from the previous period in first quarter of 2016 which was only 44.9 percents.   

''Meanwhile, the investment realization in Java Island was Rp 90.5 trillion or 54.6 percents," said Thomas in a press conference in Jakarta on Monday (April 26). 

BKPM noted that the realization of domestic investment and foreign investment based on top five project locations were West Java Rp 29.3 trillion (17.7 percents), Jakarta Rp 24.2 trillion (14.6 percents), East Java Rp 12.6 trillion (7.6 percents), Banten Rp 12.4 trillion (7.4 percents) and Central Java Rp 11.9 trillion (7.2 percents).

Top five investment realization based on the business sectors were mining Rp 23.6 trillion (14.2 percents), food industry Rp 18.5 trillion (11.1 percents), transportation, logistics and telecommunications Rp 18.4 trillion (11.1 percents), electricity, gas and water Rp 16.7 trillion (10.1 percents) and raw metals industry, metals, machine and electronics Rp 15.2 trillion (9.2 percents).

Based on the countries, five top positions held by foreign investment among others are Singapore 2.1 billion US dollars (28.2 percents), Japan 1.4 billion US dollars (19.2 percents), China 0.6 billion US dollars (8.2 percents), US 0.6 billion US dollars (8.2 percents), and South Korea 0.4 billion US dollars (5.8 percents).

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