Kamis 04 May 2017 00:04 WIB

DPR intervenes e-ID corruption case by using inquiry rights: Observer

Rep: Ali Yusuf, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
A number of House of Representatives members walked out of the plenary meeting to protest inquiry rights in e-ID corruption case, Jakarta, Friday (April 28).
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
A number of House of Representatives members walked out of the plenary meeting to protest inquiry rights in e-ID corruption case, Jakarta, Friday (April 28).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Law observer Mohamad Soleh said the using of inquiry rights could be interpreted as intervention to the e-ID corruption case. He thought it would be contraproductive as the case had been a public interest.

"By asking the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to share the record of investigation process against Miryam S. Haryani's, House of Representatives (DPR) has intervened the legal process," the lecturer on constitutional law in Djakarta Islamic University Mohamad Soleh to Republika.co.id in Jakarta on Tuesday (May 2). 

Soleh said all Indonesian people know that DPR had the authority to monitor law enforcement process in Indonesia by using its inquiry right, including against KPK. But, he reminded that the object was very sensitive, as some DPR members allegedly involved in the case. 

Soleh said, KPK worked by the constitutional protection. It had special principles in giving information. It could only be opened during the trials. Therefore, DPR should separate its political and law enforcement domains. 

He also added that KPK should not worry when the inquiry right was executed. "I hope it will not disrupt the legal process and harm the sense of justice," he said. 

Soleh hoped KPK and DPR could develop better communication. Both institution should cooperate to combat massive corruptions in Indonesia. 

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