Sabtu 06 May 2017 09:43 WIB

Social ministry revises the Law on Money and Goods Collection

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda is one of online crowdfunding site popular to the netizen.
Foto: is one of online crowdfunding site popular to the netizen.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Social Ministry is revising Law No. 09 in 1961 on Money and Goods Collection. It aimed at accommodating the online-based technology development and the massive crowdfunding. 

Some articles within the regulation were argued to be irrelevant, especially those related to the right of donors, society's roles in monitoring and punishments and fines against violation. 

It had not accomodate digital revolution, including the effectiveness of social media using in collecting social fund from the society. 

Director General of Social Empowerment Hartono Laras said when the law was made in 1961, the government could not predict that there would be rapid development of communication technology. Recently, the institution was doing a public test to the draft of Law No. 9 in 1961 revision. The draft had been prepared since 2014. 

"We have formed a team to make an inventory so the law will be able to accomodate the rapid development," said Hartono to on Friday (May 5).  

Social ministry involved many teams since 2016, including National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Oxfam, YLKI, philantrophy forum and others. Hartono said some materials would be revised, for example those related to fund collecting period and its geographical areas. 

Period for collecting donation was previously decided to be three months. It would be revised to be six months. The regional or city, provincial and national scale regulation in Law No. 9 in 1961 would be reviewed. 

As there were massive online crowdfunding, Hartono said the there could not be any border for the area. "Because social media is borderless, the collection might be controlled from an area, but all people can reach it. Not only provincial, national but global community might access the social media," said him. 

The right and obligations of donors, witnesses and independent monitoring institution were also discussed in the revision. 

After the public test, the draft would be submitted to the ministry of Law and human rights and Indonesian House of Representatives. Hartono promised to speed up the review. The public test and draft of revision were targeted to be finished on October.  

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