Jumat 15 Sep 2017 14:47 WIB

Sri Rahayu "Saracen" case file is complete: Police

Rep: Mabruroh, Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Evidences in the case of Saracen group.
Foto: Republika/Mabruroh
Evidences in the case of Saracen group.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The case file of Sri Rahayu Ningsih as suspect of 'Saracen' was completed or P21. Saracen is a group that spread hate speech.

Head Unit V Sub Directorate III Directorate of Cyber Criminal National Police Purnomo said that the investigators will immediately submit it to Attorney General. Therefore, one suspect of Saracen case can be immediately tried in court.

"We (will) immediately submit to the prosecutor for phase two, to be immediately tried," said Purnomo at Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Thursday.

The case files of other suspects are still in the process of completing, he explained. The investigators were still investigating the flow of funds in the suspect's account and then juxtaposed it with other evidences found by the investigator.

"Other suspects are still in process. Jasriadi, Todong, dan Asma Dewi, are in process," he added.

Financial analysis result of Saracen group has been transferred by Center Financial Analysis and Transaction Analysis (PPATK) to police cyber investigators since Wednesday.

Also read: Police await findings on Saracen group from PPATK

After receiving the report, investigators decided that evidence related to Sri Rahayu has been completed. "From the public prosecutor, evidence of Sri Rahayu is complete," Purnomo said.

Sri Rahayu Ningsih is charged with Article 45 Paragraph 2 jo Article 28 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19/2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) and or Article 16 jo Article 4 b1 of Law Number 40/2006 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination.

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