Selasa 21 Nov 2017 06:56 WIB

Ask protection, Novanto brings police and KPK into conflict

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Wearing an orange vest of detainee, House of Representatives speaker Setya Novanto gives statement to the reporters after being detained by KPK, early on Monday (November 20).
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Wearing an orange vest of detainee, House of Representatives speaker Setya Novanto gives statement to the reporters after being detained by KPK, early on Monday (November 20).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police's head of Public Relations Inspector General Setyo Wasisto questioned Setya Novanto intention to ask for protection in an alleged case of corruption on e-ID card procurement.

He said, the police worked in accordance to the procedure.

"If anyone asks for legal protection while (his case is) in process in Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), it is a sort of bringing the two institutions into conflict. Give KPK a chance to process," Setyo said on Monday (November 21). 

National Police spokesperson Brig. Gen. Rikwanto admitted, every citizen has the right to ask protection to the police. But, in Novanto case, the context is different. 

"We should see the context first. If it was legal problem currently being handled by KPK, so the qibla is to KPK," he said.

On November 10, Novanto was renamed as suspect in e-ID card graft case by KPK. He allegedly played a key role in a plan to swindle funds earmarked for e-ID card project and the act contributed to an estimated Rp 2.3 million in state losses.

Previously, KPK named him as suspect in July. The Golkar party chairman won the pretrial motion against KPK on September 29 and clear his status as suspect.

Novanto fought hard to free himself from the allegation. He avoided 11 summonses from KPK, either as witness nor suspect on e-ID card graft case.

He also asked for president protection about three weeks ago

"I obeyed the law and I have taken steps since the investigation warrant was issued. I also have submitted a letter to request legal protection to the President, the National Police chief and Attorney General Office," Novanto who wore an orange vest of detainee said after being examined by Corruption Eradication Commission, on early Monday (November 20).

On contrary, President Joko Widodo has asked him to follow existing legal process.

Similar statement frequently uttered by Jokowi when being asked about Novanto's wish to get protection from the President.

"Well, I have conveyed that Pak Setnov (Setya Novanto) should follow existing legal process," he said after attending National Army event at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, on Monday.

After series of dramatic incidents, starting from his disappearance, car accident, and hospitalization, KPK put Novanto on its detention center early on Monday.

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