Senin 14 May 2018 21:07 WIB

Army chief urges people to step up early detection efforts

The Army is ready to assist the police in combating terrorism, if needed, chief says.

House of suicide bombers on Jalan Wonorejo Asri XI Block K / 22, Rungkut, Surabaya.
Foto: Republika/Wilda Fizriyani
House of suicide bombers on Jalan Wonorejo Asri XI Block K / 22, Rungkut, Surabaya.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Army Chief of Staff General Mulyono urged members of society to increase early detection efforts over the recent terrorist bombings at three churches and at the Surabaya Police Headquarters, East Java. The two incidents claimed 22 lives and injured dozens others.

"We need to increase awareness and early detection and involve elements of intelligence agencies to deal with terrorism. All components of society need to be involved," Mulyono noted at the Army Headquarters in Jakarta, Monday.

The Army is ready to assist the police in combating terrorism, if needed. However, the most important aspect is to step up vigil.

"We do not know where the terrorist locations are. It can be said that they can control their actions and can detonate bombs everywhere, so there needs to be an early detection," the four-star general pointed out.

According to Mulyono, not only the elements of the Police and Military (TNI) but other components of the nation also need to be involved in preventing acts of terror.

"We can adopt all approaches. Do not give terrorists an opportunity and place to carry out their terror acts in Indonesia. All have to report anything suspicious immediately, and all components of the nation must intervene," he added.

The Army chief affirmed that the TNI's involvement in handling terrorism should not be arbitrary but must be in accordance with the rules.

"This terror act of bombing is a concern for us all. There are rules of the game during the operation and action. Now, the police are doing this, and we hope the police would be able to solve it," the former chief of the Army's Reserves and Strategic Command stated.

He opined that there is no need to insist on soon resolving the revision of the Terrorism Act. However, recent events may serve as a reference for the revision of the Terrorism Act to be promptly passed by the government and the House of Representatives.

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                                            [vote] => 0

                                    [2] => Array
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                            [status] => 1

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                                            [vote] => 1

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                                    [0] => Array
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                                            [vote] => 1

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [title] => Cukup banyak
                                            [vote] => 1

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [title] => Tidak banyak
                                            [vote] => 0

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [title] => Tidak tahu
                                            [vote] => 0


                            [status] => 1

                    [3] => Array
                            [description] => Apakah Anda berencana untuk mengunjungi Singapura tahun ini?
                            [options] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [title] => Ya
                                            [vote] => 1

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [title] => Tidak
                                            [vote] => 1


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