Selasa 15 May 2018 18:30 WIB

Densus 88 finds tens of explosives in house of bombers

Suicide bombers blow themselves in front of Surabaya police headquarters on Monday.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
House of suicide bombers in Rungkut, Surabaya.
Foto: Republika/Wilda Fizriyani
House of suicide bombers in Rungkut, Surabaya.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- The police's special anti terrorist squad (Densus 88) and bomb squad (Gegana) found tens of explosives in the house of the family of bombers. A suicide bomb attack occured at the Surabaya police headquarters on Monday.

The Densus 88 and the Gegana teams found the pipe type explosives in the rented house of Tri Murtiono, his wife Tri Ernawati and their children at Tambak Medokan Ayu, Rungkut, Surabaya on Tuesday.

"Give us time to finish the search and defuse and destroy the bombs," head of the Surabaya metropolitan police Sr. Com Rudi Setiawan said after searching the house.

Tri Murtiono, his wife Tri Ernawati and two of their children - Muhammad Dafa Amin Murdana, Muhamamd Dana Satria Murdana - were killed in the suicide bombing at the Surabaya police headquarters.

Another child of Tri Murtiono, an 8 year old girl survived the incident. Asisya Azahra was injured and now treated at a police hospital in the city.

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