Jumat 25 May 2018 01:05 WIB

More preparation needed for Indonesia gold 2045: Jokowi

There are two stages that must be overcome to become Indonesia gold in 2045.

Foto: setkab.go.id

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAJALENGKA -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that there are several stages that must be overcome, such as the economy, to become Indonesia gold in 2045. The first stage to become an Indonesia gold is from the economic field, he remarked.

"Therefore, the infrastructure must be improved in order to compete with other countries," he said here, when answering questions from a high school student, Robby Darwis, on the stages towards Indonesia gold 2045.

According to the president, Indonesia is a big country that should be able to utilize its resources, both natural and human ones. In order to improve the economy, the focus of the government is infrastructure development.

"This time, we only focus on building infrastructure to compete with other countries," he noted.

Furthermore, to reach the goal, Indonesia needs to fix and maintain infrastructures, including roads and ports as the basic foundation, he added. In addition to infrastructure issues, the next stage to reach Indonesia gold involves the investment of human resources.

"The second phase is the investment of human resources, which involves upgrading the skills of youngsters," he revealed.

According to the head of state, Indonesia can enter the top five among world economies in 2045. "It is expected that when Indonesian youngsters are able to enter an important position, then we can conquer the top five world economies," he conveyed.

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