Rabu 31 Oct 2018 02:00 WIB

PAN asks KPK not to be selective in handling corruption case

PAN asks KPK to be professional in handling the case of its cadre, Taufik Kurniawan.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Wakil Ketua DPR RI Taufik Kurniawan.
Foto: Dok Humas DPR RI
Wakil Ketua DPR RI Taufik Kurniawan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Mandate Party (PAN) Central Board Chairman, Yandri Santoso, asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) not to be selective in handling corruption cases. Therefore, the PAN leader asked the antigraft agency to be professional in handling the case of House Deputy Speaker Taufik Kurniawan, who has been banned from traveling abroad.

"For example, Sigianto Kusuma, or Aguan, and Sunny Tanuwidjaya, were banned from traveling. The public had considered they were guilty. But now, they have been released," Santoso noted at the Parliament building here on Tuesday.

He expressed conviction that Taufik, who is a deputy chairman of PAN, is not guilty, although the KPK has banned him from leaving the country.

"We believe that Taufik is not guilty, but he would remain to follow the legal process," he asserted.

However, Santoso acknowledged that he had no knowledge about the latest developments and the reason for his ban from traveling abroad as he had not yet met him. Yet, he stressed that in the internal circle of PAN, a case that involved legal matters is left to the law enforcers.

"We call on our cadres to follow the legal process well and in a fair manner if they are involved in a legal case. Yet, we also call on the KPK not to be selective (in handling corruption cases)," Santoso stressed.

Meanwhile, National Mandate Party (PAN) secretary general Eddy Suparno said his party is concerned with the determination against Taufik as suspect. However, he said the party respected legal process against its cadre.

Eddy believed Tauffik will be cooperative. On the other hand, he expected KPK to work professionally, transparently, based on accurate data and facts.

“We hope ll parties will prioritize the presumption of innocence until a court decision is legally binding," Eddy said on Tuesday (Oct 30).

Also read:

* Deputy Speaker Taufik Kurniawan named corruption suspect

* Taufik Kurniawan banned from leaving Indonesia

Previously, Deputy Chairperson of KPK Basaria Panjaitan admitted that the KPK had sent a letter of prohibition on traveling abroad for Taufik on Oct 26, 2018. Witnesses or suspects can be prevented from travelling overseas according to Article 12 of Law No. 30 of 2002 concerning the KPK. It (prevention) can be done in the stage of examination, investigation, or prosecution," Panjaitan added.

The KPK has asked Taufik's explanations on Sept 5, 2018, regarding an investigation into bribes in the DAK (special allocation funds) management for Kebumen district.

In the July 2, 2018 session on the corruption case in the procurement of goods and services in Kebumen District, 2016 Fiscal Year, suspended Kebumen District head Yahya Fuad admitted that he met Kurniawan to discuss the DAK allocation in Kebumen district.

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