Kamis 01 Nov 2018 22:14 WIB

Acid attack case might be intended not to be solved: Novel

Novel asks President Joko Widodo to push the police to solve his acid attack case.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Senior investigator of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan delivers his speech at KPK building, Jakarta, Thursday (Nov 1).
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Senior investigator of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan delivers his speech at KPK building, Jakarta, Thursday (Nov 1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Senior investigator of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan noted that five hundred days have passed since he was attacked by unidentified assailants who splashed strong acid to his face. Novel said the case might be intended not to be solved.

Moreover, the authorities have missed the golden period of case investigation. “The key to solve the case is in the first three months, after that, it is almost impossible to process it,” Novel said on Thursday (Nov 1).

Novel even doubted the investigation was still going on. “So if (the police) explained that there is an ongoing process of the case, I say that it’s just a formality,” Novel added.

Also read: Novel asks Jokowi to solve his acid attack case

Novel asked President Joko Widodo to push the police to solve the case. He did not want the case to be left unsolved and forgotten.

According to him, solving the case would bring sense of security to state apparatus in performing their duties. Investigating the case and giving sanction would be the best protection to staffs of the anti-graft body.

"We rely on the president to reveal the terrors and if he does it then it means he supports corruption eradication efforts," Novel who is a retired police officer said.

A fatal attack against him took place on the morning of April 11, 2017, when he was heading home after performing the Dawn prayer, at a mosque nearby his house when two motorcyclists hurled acid on his face that injured his eyes, particularly the left eye.

His attackers escaped and are still at large, while Novel is currently being treated in a hospital. He has lost his left eye and had to undergo a major surgery.

When the acid attack took place, Novel was handling several high-profile corruption cases, including a mega corruption case related to the e-ID card project allegedly involving the country's political elites.

On February 22, he arrived in Indonesia. However, due to his recovery, Novel can not work as KPK investigator yet. His doctor said he must totally rest until wait for the second phase of left eye surgery which suffered more severe damage than his right eye.

Novel then started to work again at KPK on July 27. His return was welcomed by a number of the anti-graft institution leaders at KPK building in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, KPK said at least there were 10 terror and intimidation cases that directed to KPK officers when carrying out their duties. It included criminalization against KPK fibers, raids, and terror against KPK facilities, threats of bombings at KPK investigators houses.

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