Senin 05 Nov 2018 18:30 WIB

Ulemas of Arus Baru Indonesia support Jokowi - Ma'ruf pair

Muzakarah Alim Ulama held by Arus Baru Indonesia agreed to support Jokowi-Ma'ruf.

Rep: Ali Mansur, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his running mate KH Ma'ruf Amin
Foto: Republika/Mahmud Muhyidin
Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his running mate KH Ma'ruf Amin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Alim ulema participants of Indonesian Muzakarah Ulema event agreed to support incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - KH Ma’ruf Amin pair in 2019 presidential election. The decision was summarized in the event held by Arus Baru Indonesia (Arbi) in Jakarta which followed by ulemas throughout the country.

“Muzakarah of Indonesian Alim Ulema has decided three things,” said one of ulema representatives, KH Bunyamin Ruhiat in a press statement on Monday (Nov 5).

Kiai Bunyamin said the first decision was they agreed that choosing a leader is a mandatory to keep religion and maintain the nation and state. Therefore, people who have the right to vote, must use their rights in 2019 presidential election, in April next year.

“People who have right to vote are asked to elect the candidate in 2019 presidential election,” Bunyamin added.

Second, ulemas attended the event also agreed about the criterias for the leader. Bunyamin said the leader must be faithful, pious, honest, trustworthy, competent, wise and polite, tabligh, and committed to the nation and people.

“Third, based on the criterias, Alhamdulillah (thank God), Indonesian alim ulema decides to support Jokowi - Ma’ruf pair,” Bunyamin said.

Also read:

* Ustaz Yusuf Mansur comments on ulemas support in election

* Ma'ruf ready to support Islam Nusantara, Islam Berkemajuan

* Jokowi decides to pair with NU supreme leader Ma'ruf Amin

Meanwhile, Ma’ruf felt very grateful to get the support from alim ulema of Arbi. He said the decision from the event can be a guideline for people to choose the leader.

Nevertheless, Ma’ruf ensured that he will continue to embrace all groups without distinguishing their background, religion or origin. He said as Jokowi’s direction, ulemas are important part of the nation and state.

“Ulemas and government will build the nation together because ulemas are important part in nation and state life,” Ma;rug said.

Ma’ruf is optimistic that together with ulemas, Indonesia will progress further without leaving the values of politeness, piety and honesty.

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