Kamis 03 Jan 2019 22:15 WIB

KPU files police report against hoax on cast ballots

KPU says hoax on cast ballots is really cruel.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
KPU Chairman, Arief Budiman
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
KPU Chairman, Arief Budiman

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The General Election Commission (KPU) reported the spread of false news about the existence of seven containers of cast ballots of the 2019 election to the police. KPU said that this was a form of resistance and for the sake of good elections.

"We decide that we must really fight. Previously, we just answered, explained with facts, with data, so that people also learned," explained KPU Chairman, Arief Budiman at KPU Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (Jan 3).

Arief explained, so far KPU had faced various accusations since the nomination of election participants, updating voter data, even to the ballot boxes issue. All of that, he said, could be answered and explained by KPU.

"KPU is very open to accept criticism, input, and we answer with data and facts. We follow up with action involving all components of the election organizer," he explained.

Hoax related to the seven containers containing cast ballots of 2019 presidential election was very cruel, he said. In fact, in one of the messages spread in the short message application, said that KPU had confiscated a container.

"This is so cruel," he added.

Therefore, he invited anyone who was disturbed by the false news to join in the fight. According to him, such lies must be fought together and don't even participate to spread the false news.

"It isn't only for KPU's interests, but all components of this nation need to have good and fair elections, elections that have integrity," he said.

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