Kamis 17 Jan 2019 02:51 WIB

KPU fails to attend Task Force meeting with Bawaslu, KPI

Bawaslu sees indication of campaign violation on Jokowi, Prabowo speech on TVs.

Rep: Flori Sidebang, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Commissioner of Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Mochammad Afifuddin
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Commissioner of Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Mochammad Afifuddin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commissioner of Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Mochammad Afifuddin regretted that General Election Commission (KPU) failed to attend a Task Force meeting on alleged campaign violations done by both presidential candidates. The two candidates have broadcasted their vision and mission statements through TV stations a few days ago.

According to Afifuddin, some of important keys to the problem was on KPU's hand. Bawaslu needed informations from KPU to decide whether the TV shows has met elements of campaign violations.

“We fail to get information from KPU related to schedule and the mean of delivering vision and mission through media to the public," he said to the reporters after the Task Force meeting  at Morrissey Hotel Residence, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (Jan 16) afternoon.

Earlier, member of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Rahmat Subagjo said the agency saw indications of campaign violation done by presidential candidates number 01 and 02. However, Bawaslu has not named the events as campaign violations.

"Not yet (the violation determination), but there are indications. It has not yet been determined, whether it was (including) campaign advertisements or not. We have to discuss it with General Election Commissions (KPU)," he told reporters at Bawaslu Office, in Jakarta, on Wednesday (Jan 16) .

He explained that Bawaslu task force would hold a meeting with KPU, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), and Press Council to determine the election organizers' opinion regarding the case. He said, Bawaslu had not yet conducted an internal study because there were broadcasting aspects that must be taken into account.

"We will also consider the punishment, but first, we will coordinate with KPU regarding the campaign schedule," he added.

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