Kamis 22 May 2014 22:00 WIB

Boko Haram, the 276 schoolgirls' kidnapper

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

What do you think about the 276 schoolgirls' kidnapping cases in Nigeria by a group called Boko Haram? It occurred on April 14 when the teens were at school. They were taken by lorry into the forests and still missing until now. We don't know where the confinement location is.

Boko Haram spokesman, Abubakar Shekau explained in a video through French news agency, the kidnapping aimed to fight in the path of Allah (fisabilillah). For them, a special school for girls was forbidden (haram) and therefore it should be resisted. That is the reason why they kidnapped all school girls and treated them as slaves who deserved to be traded.

"We have kidnapped your girls. We will sell them in the slave market, which is explained by Allah (God). We have been asked by Allah to sell them. We will sell the girls. We will sell them. School system is the Western model of education and it is a big mistake. Woman task is married and taking care of husband and children, not going to school. It is different to the Islamic teaching," Shekau said.

Boko Haram was called Jama'atu Ahlis Sunnah Lidda'wati wal Jihadi in 2002. This group's enemy is the West, then they are known as Boko Haram. In local language in North Nigeria, Boko Haram means Western education is a sin.

Boko Haram presence cannot be separated from influence of Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan. The founder, Sheikh Mohammad Yusuf wanted the establishment of Islamic state of North Nigeria, North Cameroon and Niger, based on Islamic rules, which rejected everything related to the West.

For example, Boko Haram - as Al-Qaeda and Taliban - forbids all girls and women to study and work outside their houses. They also prohibit music, television and movies. They thought that studying, working, television; music and movies were the Western influence, which could make them forget about religion. The West is unacceptable (kafir) and must be resisted.

This group became increasingly radical and even tended to be brutal when it joined former Afghan mujahideen, especially those from African countries. They managed to recruit many young people, especially from North Nigeria, which grew poorer than the South.

South Nigerian population is dominated by Christians, while Muslims in the North. Christians also run the central government and often accused of ignoring northern communities by exploiting their natural resources. The result, Northern communities are growing poorer than the Southern communities. Such condition is used by Boko Haram as an instrument to recruit young children. More than 10 thousand people were killed by Boko Haram from 2002 to 2013. They kidnapped foreign tourists, attacked the Western interests and also the Christians.

Even moderate Muslim groups, which are different from them, became the target. Therefore, Boko Haram also attacked mosques, beside churches, schools, police stations, state buildings and markets. The recent case is the kidnapping case of schoolgirls a month ago and we don't know their fate until now.

Unfortunately, the brutality and the actions of Boko Haram, including the kidnapping case, did not get attention from Islamic community leaders and Islamic countries in the world. There is no condemnation statement over the barbaric action.

For leaders of Islamic countries, the kidnapping action is common case. It seems that the terror action becomes a part of daily life. Life seems to have no value. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and other Islamic countries, many people die in vain, right? Many suicide bombs killed dozens of people every day. Many terrorist groups, namely Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Da'ish, Jabhatu An Nasrah or whatever have spread in Middle East countries.

I worry and sad that the violence and terror - in the name of anything, including religious motivation - will be Muslim daily life. When it happens, Boko Haram can exist anywhere, not only in Nigeria. Hence, we must fight Boko Haram and its action. Violence, whatever its purpose is forbidden. Boko Haram's kidnapped victims must be freed immediately.

Boko Haram and any groups, including those on behalf of Islam defenders, which take the path of violence and terror, must be resisted. They are the ugly face of Muslims.

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