Jumat 25 Mar 2016 02:32 WIB

Gilad Atzmon, Barack Obama, and Palestine (I)

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ahmad Syafii Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ahmad Syafii Maarif

Six months after being elected president of the United States on 20 January 2009, on June 4, 2009 President Barack H Obama delivered a historic speech in Cairo with the host Al-Azhar University and Cairo University.

There was a seven point of problems that Obama delivered the speech: (1) political-religious extremism problem that needs to be addressed early resolution; (2) the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should not be left in limbo: an independent Palestine should become a reality as soon as possible; (3) nuclear development should be monitored, especially addressed to Iran should be approached in a more sensible, do not follow the American regime before; (4) the ideals of democracy that is becoming a big wave of civilization, but they should not be forced upon a nation that is not ready for it; (5) the need for freedom of religion guaranteed in full; (6) women's rights must be upheld and respected; (7) economic development and opportunities for all nations, even the globalization of many nations has given rise to conflicting atmosphere. (See Resonance "Obama and the Muslim World" (II), Republika, June 23, 2009).

After Obama's entering the final year of his second term as president of the United States, perhaps only point three and six relatively successful, while five others failed or partially failed. Let's take the example of point two, the Palestinians until now has not independent, despite many countries in the world including Indonesia already begin have been shouted in a louder voice about the rights of the Palestinian independence.

Obama apparently powerless against the Zionist lobby in America who remained steadfastly opposed to Palestinian independence. And remember, during the Obama regime, several Arab countries have even messier; either because of the civil war would also because of external factor which play in that hot region.

Among those who praised Obama's speech in Cairo seven years ago it was Gilad Atzmon (born 1963), a former jazz musician ex zionist who has flew from the Zionist Israel, the racist state. In the article "God Blessed America" sent from Colorado I received on 6 June 2009 Atzmon seemed optimistic that American foreign policy under Obama will change fundamentally, especially in relation to the independence of Palestine.

Then Atzmon wished: If I in a position (Obama), I would ultimatum to Israel within 24 hours to open the Gaza Strip. If they fail to do so, I will summon my ambassador in Tel Aviv. I will stop any form of financial aid and military to Israel, I will freeze the assets of Israel because it still remains as a terrorist state. I will begin the process of rapid deportation Israel of America. "

Obama is not Atzmon, because this jazz musician has been long fearless against Zionism. Position as president of the American when faced with the Zionist movement has fired torpedo Obama to realize the contents of his speech in Cairo. But for how much longer this Zionism should be straddling the world until one day can be disabled by the universal consciousness of humanity?

Atzmon and his group voice that loud-radical Zionism in the face of cruelty on the fate of the Palestinian people can not be blocked. At the time genocide practice Israeli forces on Gaza in 2009, for example almost all the Western media to be silenced.

New York Times, CNN, BBC, and the Guardian are among the media was silent. This situation had made Atzmon delivered to his colleagues complained that Mary Rizzo: "... we failed to make it to the main press".

Mary immediately comforting: "Gilad, you may fail to see it, we do not want to assimilate into the called-media, we do not need them. From now on we are the media ".

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