Selasa 21 Jan 2014 17:11 WIB

How to run for President, SBY shares his tips... again!

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Julkifli Marbun

Once again, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who no longer possible to run for presidential candidate in the next 2014 general election, by law, shares his tips and tricks on how to run for President particularly in political advertising campaigns.

It might not be a problem to call SBY as the next President 'Guru' as he worth it, keeping in mind that he always shares his appropriate tips and strategies for public and figures who want to run for President.

According to SBY, as quoted by Republika's journalist, Esthi Maharani, from his book 'Selalu Ada Pilihan', several political advertising campaigns of the would be presidential candidates on television were so exaggerated. In his opinion, some figures even changed their total appearance to attract people's minds and votes.

"I see, for example, a figure who had intention for [presidential] competition, then tried to change his appearance totally. His clothed designed as 'very ordinary' one - in the sense of not even fair. Probably, he wants to give the impression to the people that he is a very humble person, not a luxurious one," SBY wrote on page 378 of his book.

Not only on appearance case, the President also mentioned on a figure who drive Kijang vehicle, as if he want to pretend himself as a populist leader and not the rich one.

Still in his book, the President also outlined some figures that since the pre- election season, always prefer to meet common people. Even he stayed away from meeting with state officials. He wants to build an image as a very people-care figure, living with them. As if he did not include in the elite society and even contrived as figures who do not like the elite.

"Actually, all appearance and self carriage as it were legal. Nobody forbid it. But once again, if it's exaggerated, you are actually regarded as a clever one to do fakes. Everything you wear and what you do are suspected as imaging. Or you may be regarded as just simply run the advices and scenarios of your campaigns team," SBY said.

He advised, political advertisements campaigns should not be to too different from the figure character and his everyday life. If that happened, he said, the people would be easily to know the truth.

According to SBY, people are observant and intelligent to know the reality of figure life shown which is different from his everyday life.

"For example, sorry, [if] you included as a figure with less smile and "cold", then on advertisement, suddenly [you] became very friendly with smiles and greetings everywhere. Or, you are popular to be known as figure that who never be with family together or even considered stay away from them then suddenly in the ad you appeared so harmonious and familiar everywhere. Or people know you as figure never too close to common people, all of a sudden in the ad; you are displayed as so populist; too populist with all people. Or if people have never seen you go visit common shops, rice fields, villages, and also to markets, suddenly your ads filled with scenes like that, people would laugh. Do not forget, if the difference was so clear, people will always remember. If the memory brought continuously until the voting, or polling day, you will be harmed," he wrote.

According to him, there is still time for correction. Because, he argued, to love and to care for people, someone should not pretend to be a little people, or pretending to live in difficulties. People want to know whether the leaders think about their lives and well being. It's not enough to be displayed as poor figure or pretending to be poor. Moreover, people actually know the figures are rich people.

"In this regard, if in a series of upcoming election campaign,  there is a candidate who displayed his clothing, physical look and style as a great idolized figure, including on his tone and voice, I am afraid, sorry, the particular candidate will be lost [in election]. I worry people do not vote for him," he said.

The key, he said, do not be excessive!

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