Kamis 26 Jan 2017 02:53 WIB

Let’s Respect Each Other

Puluhan massa yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Toleransi melakukan aksi damai memperingati Hari Toleransi Internasional di Bundaran HI, Jakarta. (Ilustrasi).
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Puluhan massa yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Toleransi melakukan aksi damai memperingati Hari Toleransi Internasional di Bundaran HI, Jakarta. (Ilustrasi).

By: Pardiyanto *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Grand Worship ‘Gema Besholawat’ which is housed at the Niti Mandala Bajra Sandi Renon Field, Denpasar, Bali on January 21, 2017 which was held in the framework of 91 Harlah Wahdlatul Ulama, Rotibul Haddad Assembly Recitation and Miftahul Hiddayah Alhamidiyah Assembly cooperation with Branch Executive Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Denpasar ignited a sense of unity among religious followers. There is an interesting side event of grand worship by Muslims, namely the presence of Tanjung Bungkak Pecalang Indigenous Village, Denpasar and Tabanan are involved in securing the grand worship event. Pecalang in Bali identical with Hindus helped the success of Muslims’ Grand Worship.

The similar phenomenon was found in Christmas celebrations of Indonesian Diaspora in Washington DC, USA. Voice of America December 20, 2016 proclaiming the Christmas celebrations at Wisma Indonesia Indonesian Diaspora, Washington DC, USA. Various tribes including students and Papuan students mingle in the celebration of Christmas, and visitors gather the funds collected to reach about US $ 650 or about Rp 9 million donated to earthquake victims in Aceh. Nuance inter-religious harmony and unity among ethnic groups woke up.

Picture of inter-religious harmony can also be traced in Kendal regency, Central Java, Hamlet Kalipuru, Kalirejo Village, District Singorejo which has a strong tradition of tolerance. Mosques and churches and temples built side by side in the hamlet Kalipuru and religious leaders of various religions are not mutually hurting the feelings of others.

The event was supposed to be able to ponder together by us as a nation of Indonesia is endowed with ethnic and religious diversity by Allah SWT. Suffice terrorists are enemies of all ethnic and religious groups of any kind, not the ethnic and religious differences into ethnic and religious enemy so as to harden the feelings and attitudes of intolerance inter-religious and inter-ethnic in Indonesia.

While the condition of inter-religious intolerance and inter-ethnic increased in recent years, creating uncertainty and the religious differences will always cause divisions and conflicts of humanity. 


Of course, fragmentation and conflict is not triggered by the differences of religion, but rather due to the imposition of the will of the people in the name of religion. A know and understand the true history of the rise of religion and what are the differences between the religions that exist, and to know and understand the true belief and worship should be done in accordance religion. Differences in ethnicity, race, and even religious differences already became the nature of God that can not be denied that must be understood and realized.

People who can receive diversity are people think pluralistic. Pluralistic derived from plural word which means a lot, which describes the nature of diversity; or the nature of a recognition that the universe in diversity (Soeprapto, 2013). Pluralistic nature would lead one to accept differences and not blame the confidence people or groups and not to force others to follow his own religion.

Pluralistic nature tends to lead to the tolerant nature (tolerance). In Indonesian dictionary mentions tolerance is a trait or a tolerant attitude, while tolerance is a trait or attitude of tolerating (respect, let, permit) establishment (beliefs, habits, and so on) are different from the establishment. Pluralistic does not mean pluralism, pluralism is a misunderstanding to say that reality is composed of many substances. Pluralism is a framework where there is interaction of several groups show mutual respect and tolerance to each other in an assimilation without conflict.

Pluralism is not equated with the term of tolerance, mutual respect, but named as understood smelting (assimilation) or generalization (generalization) so there is no distinction. In the context of religion, pluralism is highly contested, because of their belief that combine various religions and equalize religious, it will cause conflicts between communities.

Tolerance is taken from the English "tolerance" which means patiently and gracefully, while according to Abdul Malik, "tolerance" is derived from the Latin "tolerare" which means trying to survive or interact with something that is not preferred or favored. While in the Arabic word tolerance paired with the word "samahah or tasamuh" meaning sa'atal-sadr (gracefully) or tasahul (friendly, love to forgive).

The imposition of the will among diversity often traps to intolerance, for want of others should follow the will of us and wants us to be merged into one. In order to avoid the imposition of his will, we have to learn to appreciate the invite another person or group and not ask other people or groups to respect us.

Amid the threat of intolerance that is increasingly worrying, the characteristics and behavior patterns tolerance in Indonesia can be constructed from religious groups that are endemic in Indonesia. Characteristics and behavior patterns that emphasizes "let's appreciate the other person or group, not please respect us" should be internalized in self-figures, clergy and clever scholars, so that taught the people and their followers into a tolerant human beings.

*) Social and Behavior Problems Observer, alumni of Post-Graduate University of Indonesia (UI)


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