Sabtu 04 Feb 2012 16:05 WIB

Geplak, the snack that needs to be 'slapped'

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Geplak (the whites on the right) is a traditional snack in Betawi culture (illustration).
Geplak (the whites on the right) is a traditional snack in Betawi culture (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG - Have you ever heard a kind of snack named "geplak"? Well, if you have not, do not worry since we will introduce it. It is a traditional snack in Betawi culture of Jakarta. In Betawi culture, geplak is usually served at traditional wedding ceremony. Make no mistake, there is a similar name for a kind of snack from Yoyakarta.

Today, geplak is indeed hard to get.Only a handful markets sell geplak, such as Subuh cake market at Pasar Senen, or Benhil Market, both are in Jakarta. Apparently, this Betawi traditional food is sold in South Tangerang. It is Iffah (43 years) who makes geplak. She has been producing geplak for 17 years.

Geplak is made from rice milled into flour then roasted. It is then mixed with roasted grated coconut. The mixture is added with liquid sugar. Then, use "tenong" as a mold. Ups... forget to tell you about tenong. Tenong is a round place for cake and its diameter is around 30 centimeters.

Making geplak is not easy. After it is poured into a tenong, the dough should be slapped several times with hand. For a tenong of geplak, Iffah sells it for 75.000 IDR. Cut geplak into your favorable size before you serve it. 

You may wonder how the snack gets its name. In local term, geplak is the sound if you slap something with your palm. This white cake tastes sweet and makes the eaters thirsty. Better prepare a glass of water before taste geplak then. 

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