
Selasa , 27 Oct 2015, 12:13 WIB

Eat around the World in 'Jakarta Foodies Meet'

Sajian khas Purwakarta, Satai Maranggi.

Kamis , 18 Jun 2015, 16:50 WIB

Satai Maranggi Purwakarta to be patented

Pempek Palembang

Senin , 15 Jun 2015, 23:22 WIB

Pempek Palembang can go global


Jumat , 16 May 2014, 00:21 WIB

Rendang, new symbol of Indonesia's culinary

Indonesian spicy beef or rendang gains it popularity in other countries and polling by CNN recognize the traditional dish as the most delicious dish in the world. (illustration)

Ahad , 14 Apr 2013, 21:59 WIB

Indonesia launches culinary promotion in Spain

Es dawet is one of Indonesian beverages served in Indonesian Gastronomic Week in Spain. (illustration)

Kamis , 12 Jul 2012, 21:19 WIB

Indonesian gastronomic week in Spain

Rendang festival in Padang, West Sumatra (photo file)

Rabu , 27 Jun 2012, 18:04 WIB

West Sumatra holds Rendang Festival

Jumat , 22 Jun 2012, 17:03 WIB

Jakarta Fair, the heaven of Betawi culinary

Lumpia or spring roll ia a kind of snack originated from Semarang. (ilustration)

A 465 meter spring roll breaks the record

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG - The making of 465 meter fried lumpia (spring roll -Ed) to celebrate the anniversary of Semarang on Sunday morning breaks the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). "At first it was only 450 meters. But our target is 465 meters. We then added it until reached 469 meters. But we only counted until 465 meters, as the age...

Gado-gado Direksi

Rabu , 18 Apr 2012, 20:27 WIB

The distinct taste of 'Gado-gado Direksi'

Purple Rice

Kamis , 12 Apr 2012, 00:21 WIB

Try this: Purple… rice!

Jenang Festival opens in Solo on Friday.

Jumat , 17 Feb 2012, 16:39 WIB

'Jenang Festival' livens up Solo

The fresh tasty soup of Jakarta cuisine or 'sayur asem' (illustration).

Ahad , 12 Feb 2012, 18:47 WIB

The soup tastes ‘sour’ yet yummy

Cassava roots is the basic inngredient of fried balok (illustration).

Senin , 06 Feb 2012, 15:57 WIB

Crispy ‘balok’ reaches the Netherlands

The tasty asinan or Indonesian salad (illustration).

Ahad , 05 Feb 2012, 23:19 WIB

Refreshen yourself with asinan Mak Cuk!

Geplak (the whites on the right) is a traditional snack in Betawi culture (illustration).

Sabtu , 04 Feb 2012, 16:05 WIB

Geplak, the snack that needs to be 'slapped'

Who would resist the tempation of Selendang Mayang? (ilustration)

Kamis , 02 Feb 2012, 17:13 WIB

Sluuurppp.... Enjoy Selendang Mayang!

Some may find tutut so tasty. What do you think? (ilustration).

Rabu , 01 Feb 2012, 16:02 WIB

Tutut, the new prima donna in Bogor