Ahad 05 Feb 2012 23:19 WIB

Refreshen yourself with asinan Mak Cuk!

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The tasty asinan or Indonesian salad (illustration).
Foto: pbase.com
The tasty asinan or Indonesian salad (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG - Asinan is Indonesian salad. It is a mixture of cucumber, cabbage, and bean sprouts seasoned with a sauce of vinegar, salt, chili, and shrimp paste. Do not be hustle to eat it. Add a sprinkle of fried peanuts first. And enjoy the freshness of vegetable asinan Mak Cuk.

Mak Cuk also serves fruit asinan. It contains of several fruits such as pineapple, papaya, and yam bean. The gravy is also tasty. It is best to serve after eating lunch. "We usually feel sleepy in the afternoon. But asinan makes me feel fresh again," Rasti Astuti (25 years) said.

Above all, the price is very affordable, 9,000 IDR per portion. Located in Jalan RE Martadinata, Kampung Cipita, Ciputat, South Tangerang, the shop is always full with buyers. The owner, Cucu Ruhaeti (40 years) never imagines her shop will get much attention. She started the business unintentionally. At first, she sold the asinan to her colleagues. But then her asinan is fond by many people. Many started to order it. 

She said, the distinction between her asinan and the others is its gravy. "The usual gravy is too extreme. Kids do not like it," Cucu said. Then she made her own recipe of gravy.

In a month, Cucu can produce a thousand packages of asinan. "Most of the customers order for special occasion," she said. Some of her customers brought her asinan to Singapore, Batam, and Lampung.

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