Kamis 19 Dec 2013 18:05 WIB

South Korea to open Surabaya Street in Busan

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Busan, Korea Selatan
Busan, Korea Selatan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BUSAN - Busan City Government in collaboration with Busan Indonesia Center (BIC) will open Surabaya Street in Busan next year. Surabaya is capital city of East Java, one of provinces in Indonesia, the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta.

"The opening will be held in early 2014," Chairman of BIC, Kim Soo-il said during his visit of Surabaya City Government to Busan recently.

Surabaya Street is part of collaboration of Sister City between Surabaya City Government and Busan City Government.

Surabaya City Government plans to send Surabaya's sculpture with logo of crocodile and whale. It will be placed beside BIC office or near Surabaya Street. Busan City Government previously has put a monumen with Korean logo at dr. Soetomo Street in Surabaya.

"I hope this cooperation to be improved," Kim added.

Kim hopes that BIC as center of Indonesian culture studies can be used by Indonesian citizens who want to invest in Busan. BIC also provides special floor in the building to promote Indonesia products and goods, which are made by Indonesian enterpreneurs. There are about 300 visitors per day or 100 thousand visitors per year to BIC.

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