Selasa 30 Dec 2014 13:54 WIB

Industry supports branding 'Wonderful Indonesia'

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Garuda Indonesia
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Garuda Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The industry sector in Indonesia supports the government's efforts to maintain the country's branding "Wonderful Indonesia" in a bid to further develop the tourism sector in the country, an observer stated.

"The measure taken by Tourism Minister Arief Yahya to maintain the country's branding 'Wonderful Indonesia' is the right decision as it does not veer from the existing brand value," tourism observer Erik Meijer, who was the former marketing director of Indonesian flag carrier Garuda Indonesia, remarked here on Tuesday (30/12).

He commended the fact that the branding "Wonderful Indonesia" now has its Indonesian version "Pesona Indonesia," which can be used to further promote tourism in the country.

According to him, Indonesia indeed needs a country branding as a way to market its tourism products, so as to attract more foreign tourists to the biggest archipelagic country in the world.

"A country branding is needed in business practices like the one carried out by a company in marketing its products. This is also needed by the Indonesian tourism sector," he pointed out.

The minister's decision to maintain the branding "Wonderful Indonesia" is testament to the fact that Arief Yahya is a minister who is also a true marketer, he remarked.

"Pak (Mr) Arief uses a new way to make the country's brand more visible, and it also becomes an endorser brand for the existing local brands. It is expected to increase the brand value very fast. Pak AY (Mr Arief) also supports third parties to use the branding "Wonderful Indonesia" in hopes that there will be a multiplier effect," he stated.

He pointed out that under the umbrella of the country's branding, it is important for Indonesia to promote its tourist destinations.

He emphasized that Indonesia, with its myriad, interesting tourist attractions, has far greater tourism potential as compared to its neighboring countries.

"Unfortunately, we so far have yet to sell them successfully. However, there has been an increase," he stated, citing the example of Garuda Indonesia, which has begun operating flights to remote destinations through its Explore program to offer easier access to new places.

Among the new destinations is Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara province with the giant lizard Komodo as its prime tourism attraction. Garuda offers three daily scheduled flights with most of the passengers to Labuan Bajo being foreign tourists.

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