Rabu 30 Sep 2015 16:41 WIB

Minister optimistic of Lovely Toraja being launched in Jakarta

Arief Yahya
Foto: Dok: Puskompublik Kemenpar
Arief Yahya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has expressed hope that the South Sulawesi provincial annual event of Lovely Toraja in November this year will be launched in Jakarta.

"I urge to launch the Lovely Toraja in Jakarta as the capital is the center of business, government, and media," Yahya stated after inaugurating a tourism seminar on "Promoting Tourism Industry in East Indonesia" here on Tuesday.

The seminar in Makassar was organized jointly by KOJI Communications, Sucofindo, and the South Sulawesi branch of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI).

Yahya opined that if Lovely Toraja is launched in Jakarta, the echo of the event will be louder, and it will spread through the global media.

The tourism minister expressed his readiness to support the promotion of South Sulawesi's tourism, including the Lovely Toraja event.

"We have prepared the funds to support the promotion of South Sulawesi's tourism and the Lovely Toraja worldwide," the tourism minister noted.

He also encouraged the South Sulawesi Tourism Office to optimize the funds allocated this year for the promotion of the tourism sector in the province.

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