Rabu 07 Oct 2015 22:32 WIB

Cimahi hosts Baros International Animation Festival

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIMAHI -- Mayor of Cimahi Atty Suharti has opened Baros International Animation Festival (BIAF) in Cimahi, West Java, on Wednesday, which takes place until October 10, 2015.

"BIAF is an annual event to develop local products of Cimahi to be known in the international community," the mayor said.

BIAF 2015 is the third time, and invites foreign animators to share their insights and knowledge with local animators.

She said the animation festival aims to build communication and cooperation between the national and international animators from different countries.

"We hope that the relationship between the Indonesian animators with those coming from abroad can bring synergy to strengthen the market networking," she said.

Atty added the development of animation industry in Cimahi is the administration's to improve the local economy.

The development of creative industry, she added, is part of the government's plan to boost the economy in Java region.

BIAF 2015 is participated by animators from several regions in Indonesia as well as from 15 countries.

The foreign animators participating in this festival come from Colombia, Germany, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, France, Poland, USA, Netherlands, Japan, and South Korea.

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