Ahad 27 Mar 2016 23:48 WIB

Indonesia named portrait country at SCAA Expo 2016

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Wihdan Hidayat/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia will appear as the official portrait country of the Coffee Association America (SCAA) Expo 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia, the United States from April 14-17, 2016, according to the Indonesian Foreign Ministry's website here Saturday.

The Indonesian Consulate General in Houston has notified that in the expo event Indonesia will become the focus of attention of all participants and coffee lovers across the world, according to the ministry.

As a portrait country of the SCAA Expo 2017, Indonesia will become the main focus of more than 12 thousand visitors and the business sector, importers, and coffee retailers, in addition to distributors, farmers, traders and culinary practitioners.

Therefore, the rare opportunity should be used with good momentum to promote Indonesia as a world class coffee paradise.