Ahad 27 Mar 2016 23:12 WIB

Bali hopes to welcome 60 foreign cruise ships

Foto: abc

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Bali administration has expressed a hope to welcome 60 foreign cruise ships with a great number of foreign tourists aboard this year.

From January to late March, 13 foreign cruise ships docked in Benoa harbor in Bali with each ship carried an average of some two thousand tourists and the total length of stay up to 26 days, the tourism ministry said in a statement, here, Sunday.

Head of the Bali tourism office AA Gede Yuniartha Putra earlier expressed his optimism that target of receiving a total of 60 foreign cruise ships this year is achievable.

General Manager of the Indonesian Port Corporation (Pelindo) III branch in Benoa Ali Sadikin said the seaport received 49 foreign cruise ship in 2014, and the number increased to 58 in 2015.

Data of the tourism ministry showed one foreign tourist in Indonesia spent an average of between US$100 and US$150 per day.

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