Sabtu 24 May 2014 23:28 WIB

All presidential candidates and their VPs must complete their documents


Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Logo of Indoensia,'s General Elections (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Head of Indonesia's General Elections Commission (KPU), Husni Kamil Manik  said that all presidential candidates and their vice presidential must complete their document until Thursday 

"At least all documents are submitted to KPK until Thursday," Manik said. 

KPU then will verify all those documents in three day, on 28-30 May, 2014. The commission then will open plenary meeting on May 31 and decide the decidesequence number of each candidate on the next day.

According to KPU.s commissioner, Hadar Nafis Gumay, Jokowi-JK need to submit nine more documents. While JK must submit nine more files.

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